A huge THANK YOU to the Clarksburg community, our families & friends, and everyone who turned out Sunday to celebrate the Schoolhouse’s 140th Birthday! In spite of the hot weather, a fine time was had by all.
Hooray for our Schoolhouse event volunteers! Thank you to Lee Harris & her daughter Whitney, and Sharon Pylman Brown and her friend Teresa for their hard work and smiling faces at the check-in table. Thanks also to Lee for the colorful flower arrangements. To David Kamminga for playing his beautiful music. To Boy Scout Troop 83 for expertly handling the parking. And special thanks to the wineries who generously donated the wine: Bogle Winery, Heringer Estates Family Vineyards & Winery, Kirchoff Family Wines, Miner's Leap Winery and Silt Wine Company. We couldn't do it without you!
And finally, many thanks to Bob Bowen for bringing a penny farthing bicycle to the Schoolhouse 140th Birthday Party! Party-goers were able to climb aboard the bike and check out the view from way on high. Bob got into the spirit of 1883 by donning a period costume complete with top hat! Bob is president of the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame based in (where else?) Davis, CA. The Hall of Fame includes a bicycle museum, where he says the antique bikes are a star attraction. Check it out here.